'cause what have I to lose?!

In the frozen fields of regret, I heard a voice from the very deep of me…
She hasn’t lucid, couldn’t understand
In the frozen fields of nothing, I stopped to look to broken mirror…
this mirror show something about me, I couldn’t see
In the frozen fields of dead hearts, I chock at something…
In this frozen land, I up my head to see…
I could not believe,
I had chocked against myself…
‘Can’t be, no no.. it can not be possible’…
Finally, in the frozen fields of death, I understand the voice…
I saw what the mirror wants to show…
Is nothing more then…
Me…I’ve breathe my last breath…
In this frozen field, named as Hell
A voice was calling me out, promising eternal R.I.P to my soul…
A broken mirror shows me an alternative…
A new live… a new start to an old ending
Steel, the Voice was there…
My eyes start to drop blood…
‘I’ll not return’- I’ve said to this voice –‘there’s nothing there to me…’ – my voice was starting to fail –‘Show me… Take me ‘home’, this time for all… I don’t care’
The Voice lead me ‘home’…!
‘What can I lose...?’- I think to myself, and continue walking for all time without ending in this no one land
[no more]
no words to express!!
maybe one!
And if the voice was you?
If was your voice, maybe the no one land be your head and the place named as Hell be the bloody eyes, and maybe you don´t be no one of this things, maybe you are the breath before the last breath... anyway, i like you my friend lol
ahhh e o texto está soberbo :)
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